Flor-Essence Cleanse
Cleanse at the Cellular Level
Gently detoxify your whole body with Flor-Essence. It’s a traditional herbal formula developed to gently cleanse the whole body at the cellular level. Flor-Essence supports your body’s detoxification organs in removing these toxins and provides antioxidants that protect cells against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
It has 8 great herbs:
Burdock Root, a cleansing antioxidants that promotes a strong immune system, stimulates good digestion, and supports all the elimination pathways of the body.
Sheep Sorrel, used traditionally as an astringent, antioxidant, diuretic and laxative.
Slippery Elm Bark, supports the digestive system, kidneys and urinary and respiratory systems in their natural elimination processes.
Blessed Thistle, improves digestion and supports skin detoxification.
Watercress, used for its detoxifying and restorative properties.
Red Clover, supports the kidneys, lymphatic system and the urinary system.
Rhubarb Root, provides detoxification support to the digestive system, colon, liver and blood.
Kelp, promotes healthy bowels and proper immune function.
Great to do this cleanse twice a year!!!